Yeah I know, I think we’re all a little tired of the ubiquitous Foster The People song but Miracles Of Modern Science have definitely freshened it up with their string heavy take on the song.
Alan Wilkis - "Come and Go (feat. The KickDrums)" from David Sosnow on Vimeo.
Getting to watch an artist evolve is one of the coolest parts of being a music blogger. Some acts show a lot of promise when you first hear their stuff but it never goes anywhere and they drop off the radar. Other artists are pretty rad from the start but with time prove themselves to be much radder than you initially suspected. Alan Wilkis is one of the later. He’s definitely no stranger to TWIAPC – I most recently posted his ambitious new project Prints – and now he has gone and blown me away with the video for Print’s single “Come & Go.”
Shot in 360˚ with help from David Sosnow to capture the euphoric feeling of the song and capture is does. The amazing film technic is only partly responsible for the smile the video puts on your face. The free wheeling dreamscape it evokes is responsible for the rest. As Wilkis continues to explore and evolve it’s with 100% certainty that I can say great great things are still yet to come from him.
[MP3] Come & Go
All cooking demonstration videos should be this beautiful. Tiger In A Jar capture the essential grace and art of a kitchen session in her food videos. We may not all be this smooth in our baking endeavors but it’s something to aspire to.
Philly’s Work Drugs sent across their newest single “Blue Steel,” from their pending release Aurora Lies, and I must admit I really needed the breezy boost this morning. Plus, the video is remixed footage from one of the greatest 80′s movies of all time Mannequin (fun fact: the song “We Built This City” by Starship is prominently featured in the film and became one of my favorite songs as a kid).
[MP3] Blue Steel
Pink Skull have provided the soundtrack to many a night out in Philly. They definitely know how to construct layers of synths, over beats with just the right amount of cowbell. The trio have continued to refine their sound and the murmuring I’ve heard about their upcoming album Psychic Welfare suggests that the have really hit their stride. Our first taste come in the form of this new video which pays homage to the early days of green screen. Watch, love and get ready for the new album.
Philly’s Busses just premiered this new live video on YVYNL and I really like the feel of the new jam. Busses is one of the local acts I really dig – a little more with every listen. There is much to be said for their restraint, instead of blowing all their sound out they let it trickle out over guitar lines that strut and lyrics that build slowly and effectively.
The next show on their calendar is this Thursday at Rogues Gallery in Philly.
LIAR (live) from Busses on Vimeo.
LIAR (live) from Busses on Vimeo.
[MP3] Stationary