The supremely talented Alan Wilkis – whose many awesome remixes have been previously featured right here on TWIAPC – dropped me a note earlier this week with some big news. His project PRINTS is ripe for the picking. PRINTS is a whole new venture for Wilkis. He started each track with his own instrumental arrangement then developed them through collaborations with the likes of White Hinterland, Lyrics Born and Childish Gambino. Through exploring the unique potential of each partnership the material took it’s own distinct shape.
The first piece “Come & Go” features The KickDrums has just the right mix of character and catchiness. Wilkis’ skill with building layers of sound and vocals is put on display but within a new context it has a whole new flavor. Give it a listen and tell me this doesn’t smack of potential. I’m really looking forward to hearing the rest this project has to offer.
[MP3] Come & Go (Featuring the KickDrums)
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