Music Makers Thread: White Rabbits… Glass Ghost

The White Rabbits have been laying tracks all over the US this fall and Glass Ghost has been priming the audiences along the way. So, after spending all that time together, it isn’t surprising that when asked what band deserved more praise, love and attention they pointed in Glass Ghost’s direction. They just released the fantastically surreal Idol Omen which plays like a trippy spin through vividly crisp fall day in a big city. The influences are many, coming from Eliot and Mike’s previous dalliances in the funk, hip-hop, jazz and rock worlds. While the tracks stand alone in their refreshingly curious arrangements their true magnificence surfaces when the entire album is taken in one sitting.

Glass Ghost’s music represents layer upon layer of unexpected musical combination’s that ripple across your consciousness so every time you listen to them you notice new parallels. After having passed it tween my ears more than a few times now I get a very playful sense of anticipation when I try to remember what exactly comes next. My only request is that they get themselves back to Philly so I can catch the live version.

Here is a track but as I said you really need to hear the whole thing so go get your self a copy of Idol Omen.

Mechanical Life

Music Makers Thread: The Dodos … Withered Hand + Thee Oh Sees + Night Control

For the second installment of Music Makers Thread I asked the Dodos which lesser known groups they have been digging on lately. In return they gave me a lengthy list of bands to check out which led me on a fantastic musical scavenger hunt. So many, in fact, that I couldn’t pick just one…
Withered Hand immediately hooked my favor. Hailing from Scotland (yeah yeah I know another Scot) Withered Hand is the name Dan Willson tosses on the assorted and ever changing gang of musicians who join him on stage. His lyrical ability falls in that delicious intersection of witty turn of phrase & incredibly relate-able. Give any track on his debut album Good News (which you should buy immediately) a spin and I think you’ll fully agree. And as fate would have it Dan was able to point me towards Charles Latham, a Philly singer who I will definitely be returning to in a future post.
No Cigarettes

Thee Oh Sees were another act on The Dodo’s list. This psych pop groups possesses a crisply hollow sound that, when paired with the a hint of southern twang on songs like I Was Denied show the potential for slightly modified rockabilly to find its place amongst current indie rock. They are on the road now so check out their tour stops and try to partake upon their live show.
Meat Step Lively

Next up on the Dodo’s suggestion thread is Night Control. Self described as “serene noise pop” I’d say Christopher Curtis Smith’s music is a hai more intentional than that implies. It is carefully crafted ambient electro music that hasn’t abandoned the romance of a classic pop tune. Another fine find courtesy of The Dodos who, I must remind you are playing tomorrow Monday the 12th at First Unitarian Church.