Junip: Fields

This album is fall. The new project from Jose Gonzalez -well, not necessarily new since Gonzalez and the two friends that round out Junip have been playing together since they were 14- is the sonic equivalent of throwing on a comfortable sweater and heading out into a crisp evening with bright red leaves crunching underfoot. The eleven tracks on Fields are familiar but none the less fascinating. The trio’s years of playing together, each building their individual abilities within the context of the others creates an easiness in their sound that you can’t manufacture.

Starting with the cooly retro “In Every Direction” you get the immediate sense that this group isn’t in a rush to get anywhere, instead they want you to settle in and enjoy the ride. Simple guitars set the mood while weightier moog and synthesized organs contribute the attitude. This chilled out 70′s vibe carries through the entire album, I haven’t enjoyed the sound of a well played rhodes in a long long while and when paired with Gonzalez’s unassuming vocals it is down right transcendant.

“It’s Alright” marks a turn for folkier territory as they thin out their arrangements-relying mostly on Gonzalez’s delivery and simple percussion to tell their tales. Compared to the lush warmth of the first few tracks the rest of the album plays out with a refreshing conciseness. The well orchestrated arc this album takes you through is just further evidence of Junip’s skill. Fields is perfectly timed for the season when we begin to slow down and become more aware. I would highly recommend loading this album on to your iPod and slipping some head phones on during that evening meander. It will be a blissful experience.

[MP3] Always (Run Roc Remix)

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