A Chat With Frightened Rabbit

Frightened Rabbit are making another stop in Philly tomorrow, this time at the Starlight Ballroom with Phantom Band as their opener. On the eve of their return I got to pick the brain of their lead singer Scott Hutchinson. It’s no secret that this is one of my favorite bands and this interview further cements their most favorite band status.

TWIAPC: I’ve seen you quite a few times over the years and whether there were twenty people in the audience or a packed house you always deliver your music  with such sincerity it is palpable. Does a lot of thought go into your live performance?

Frightened Rabbit_Scott: We certainly consider the parts and movement of the track pretty carefully before we start touring a record.  However, when you are actually out there playing, you have to just fly by the seat of your pants and see what happens.  It’s exciting.  I think that as long as there is a connection with the audience, then you have succeeded – perfection is overrated in live music.

TWIAPC: It feels like you guys have been touring for quite a while now which must be a surreal- awesome, but surreal- way to live. Considering your material draws so heavily from personal experiences, relationships and reflection does life on the road effect what you write about?

FR_S: It does, though I try not to reference it directly as I just don’t feel it’s a subject people want to hear about in our songs.  With the last record, a lot of the themes such as isolation and forgetting who you are came from being on the road so much.  It’s not necessarily a fun or pleasant way to live all of the time.  Don’t get me wrong, I do love it, but it can be incredibly draining.

TWIAPC: You also seem to have a lot of fun with Twitter while passing the days on the road. In particular the new beard sketch for every show which you preview via twitter then sell to the first bidder at the venue. Where did the idea come from and do you guys share the honor of creating them or does that task fall to one person?

FR_S: It’s just me who draws the beards, though the other guys do want a slice of the action, given that I’m raking in a massive $20 each night!  I try to look at most things we do from the perspective of being a fan – and if I could own a drawing of a beard made by my favourite band, then I would be pretty happy.

TWIAPC: You have a real knack for turning phrases in your lyrics that evoke a genuine emotional response, often by highlighting the imperfection -delightful and less so- of life. What is your writing process like? Do you all fiddle with the lyrics or let them just happen?

FR_S: I guess the answer to that is: both.  The initial spark usually comes from a subconscious phrase that comes out when I’m just singing along to the basis of the track.  Then it can be a painstaking process to load each line, and each word, with enough weight to have an impact.  However, my favourite songs are the ones that happen quickly, as they are often the most genuine and surprising pieces of work.

TWIAPC:The Winter Of Mixed Drinks deals a lot with solitude and I know Scott created most of the material while sequestered away in a cabin. Does the contrast of celebrating the strength one draws from being ok with being alone by performing in front of large groups ever strike you?

FR_S: I almost see those as two completely separate people.  I am still a fairly quiet, reserved chap off stage, but I’ve always been able to flick a switch and be more of a performer when we play.  It is definitely a strange contrast, but I never really question it.

TWIAPC: If you guys were to do a full cover album whose material would we likely see you tackling?

FR_S: It would probably be something completely at odds with what we do – maybe like an Aphex Twin covers album, or a Kraftwerk record. It would be more fun than just doing some Bob Dylan songs.


They’re touring now in support of their newest album Winter Of Mixed Drinks, which if you don’t own you really ought to go out and purchase it immediately.
[MP3] Swim Until You Can’t See Land

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